SUKEDACHI DESIGN (hereinafter referred to as “this site”) establishes the following privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as “this policy”) for personal information that this site handles in providing services to customers.
- personal information
In this policy, personal information is information about a living individual, including the name, date of birth, address, telephone number, and other descriptions contained in the information.
Those that can identify a specific individual (including those that can be easily compared with other information, thereby enabling the identification of a specific individual).
- Acquisition of personal information
When providing services to our customers, we may ask you for personal information such as your name, date of birth, address, telephone number, email address, bank account number, and credit card number. Also, transaction records including personal information of customers made between customers and partners (including information providers, advertisers, advertisement distribution destinations, etc., hereinafter referred to as “partners”) and payment information may be obtained from business partners of this site. In any case, personal information will be acquired by appropriate and fair means.
- Use of personal information The purposes for which we collect personal information are as follows.
- Purpose of answering and replying to inquiries and consultations from customers regarding this site service, identity verification, price estimation, etc.
- Purpose of providing this site service to customers.
- Purpose of billing the customer.
- Purpose of maintaining and improving the services of this site, such as questionnaire surveys and analysis.
- Purpose of providing information about services of this site that may be useful to customers via the website, email, telephone, mail, etc.
- Purpose of selecting applicants for employment.
- Other purposes related to the provision of this site service.
- Provision of personal information to a third party This site properly manages the personal information entrusted to us by the customer and does not provide the personal information to a third party except in the following cases.
- With the consent of the customer.
- In the case where this site discloses it to a contractor who outsources the business to perform the service desired by the customer.
- When it is necessary to disclose by laws and regulations.
- When it is necessary to protect the life, body or property of a person and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the customer.
- When it is particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the sound development of children and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the customer.
- Also, when it is recognized by the Personal Information Protection Law and other laws.
- Management of personal information
This site keeps the customer’s personal information accurate and up-to-date, and to prevent unauthorized access, loss, damage, falsification, leakage of personal information, maintenance of the security system, maintenance of the management system, employee training. We will take necessary measures such as thorough enforcement, implement safety measures, and strictly manage personal information.
- Disclosure, correction, suspension of personal information
- When a person requests the disclosure of his or her personal information, this site will promptly disclose it after confirming whether the request is from the person according to the relevant laws and regulations.
- If the personal information is incorrect or changed, you can request correction of the personal information by the procedure specified by this site. If this site determines that it is necessary to comply with the request, it will promptly correct the personal information and notify the customer.
- This site has been requested by the person to stop using his/her personal information because he/she is being handled beyond the scope of the purpose of the use or because it was acquired by an unauthorized means. In such cases, we will promptly conduct the necessary investigation, and based on the results, we will suspend the use of personal information and notify you of this. However, if you have a large amount of money to suspend the use of personal information, or if it is difficult to suspend the use of personal information and you can take alternative measures necessary to protect your rights and interests, take this alternative.
- Procedure for changing this policy
- This site makes continuous efforts to improve the operational status regarding the handling of personal information and customer information and may change this policy as necessary.
- Unless otherwise specified by this site, changes to this policy will be notified to customers by the method of posting on this website and will take effect from the time of posting.
- The information desk
For inquiries regarding this policy, please contact us from Contact.
- 個人情報
- 個人情報の取得
- 個人情報の利用
- お客様からの当サイトサービスに関するお問い合わせ・ご相談に対する回答や返信、本人確認、料金のお見積もりなどをする目的。
- お客様に当サイトサービスを提供する目的。
- お客様に代金を請求する目的。
- アンケート調査・分析など、当サイトサービスの維持や改善などをする目的。
- お客様に有益と思われる当サイトのサービスに関する情報をWebサイト、メール、電話、郵便などにより案内する目的。
- 採用応募者を選考する目的。
- その他、当サイトサービスの提供に関連し、付随する目的。
- 個人情報の第三者提供
- お客さまの同意がある場合。
- お客さまが希望されるサービスを行なうために当サイトが業務を委託する業者に対して開示する場合。
- 法令に基づき開示することが必要である場合。
- 人の生命、身体または財産の保護のために必要がある場合であって、お客様ご本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき。
- 公衆衛生の向上または児童の健全な育成の推進のために特に必要がある場合であって、お客様ご本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき。
- その他、個人情報保護法や他の法令で認められている場合。
- 個人情報の管理
- 個人情報の開示、訂正、利用停止
- 当サイトは、本人から自己の個人情報の開示を求められたときは、関係法令に従いご本人からの申し出であるかを確認した上で、速やかに開示いたします。
- 個人情報に誤りや変更がある場合には、当サイトが定める手続きにより、個人情報の訂正を請求することができます。当サイトはその請求に応じる必要があると判断した場合には、速やかに当該個人情報の訂正を行い、これをお客様に通知します。
- 当サイトは、本人から、利用目的の範囲を超えて取り扱われているという理由、または不正の手段により取得されたものであるという理由により、自己の個人情報の利用停止を求められたときは、速やかに必要な調査を行い、その結果に基づき、個人情報の利用停止を行い、これをお客様に通知します。ただし、個人情報の利用停止などに多額の費用を有する場合その他利用停止などを行うことが困難な場合であって、本人の権利利益を保護するために必要なこれに代わるべき措置をとれる場合は、この代替策を講じます。
- 本ポリシーの変更手続き
- 当サイトは、個人情報及びお客様情報の取り扱いに関する運用状況の継続的な改善に努め、必要に応じて、本ポリシーを変更することができるものとします。
- 当サイトが別途定める場合を除いて、 当ポリシーの変更は本ウェブサイトに掲載する方法でお客様に通知し、掲載したときから効力を生じるものとします。
- お問い合わせ窓口