“HAKATA-TIME (HAKATAIMU)” is a series of sweets from FUKUYA that has continued to make Hakata’s food culture through a Karashi Mentaiko*. They developed and used their own “Karashi Mentaiko Powder”. Even if you are away from Hakata, such as for in-home and souvenirs, it is a product that you can enjoy slowly as a time to remember the taste of Hakata. It is a new Karashi Mentaiko sweets that have an exquisite taste.
*Karashi Mentaiko: Spicy cod roe that famous souvenir in Fukuoka.
It has been a long time since FUKUYA developed a special “Karashi Mentaiko Powder” and it was finally completed.
The symbol mark was designed with dots that represent “Karashi Mentaiko Powder” and “time” that reminds the taste of Hakata.
“SUZUME NO TAMAGO (Egg of Sparrow)” is a flagship product of Inada Mame Co., Ltd., which specializes in manufacturing and selling bean confectionery such as peanuts and natto, and it was developed as a new product using “Karashi Mentaiko Powder”.
“KAMENOKO” is a bite-sized rice cracker made from old-fashioned and sweet “Kamenoko” confectionery with “Karashi Mentaiko Powder”.
“TOSHIOKOSHI” is a new Okoshi* that exudes the original sweetness and spiciness of Karashi Mentaiko. Since “Okoshi” has been as auspicious sweets in Japan for a long time, so I design the motif of an original sea bream that means blessing.
*Okoshi = sweet rice cracker
特別な明太子パウダーの開発に多くの月日が流れついに完成しました。シンボルマークは「明太子パウダー」を表すドットと、博多の味を思い出す「時間」で設計しました。「すずめの卵」は、落花生や甘納豆などの豆菓子を専門に製造・販売する株式会社 いなだ豆の看板商品であり、明太子パウダーを使用し新たな商品として開発されました。「かめのこ」は、昔ながらの甘辛い『かめのこ』菓子に、明太子のパウダーで後味ピリッと仕上げました1口サイズのせんべいです。「寿(とし)おこし」は、おこし本来の甘さと明太子の辛味が絶妙な、新しい明太おこしです。「身を興し、名を興し、家を興し」と、昔から“おこし”は縁起の良いお菓子とされてきたことからデザインは『おめでたい』鯛のモチーフで設計しました。
Credit /
Client: Fukuya Co.,Ltd
Creative Direction: Daisuke Kobayashi (SUKEDACHI DESIGN)
Art Direction: Daisuke Kobayashi (SUKEDACHI DESIGN)
Design: Daisuke Kobayashi (SUKEDACHI DESIGN)
Copy: Michiyo Kambe (Canbe-shokai)