“Hakata Magemono” is a Hakata traditional crafts that have been around for 400 years. As a new attempt, I created a lunch box called “HAKATA WAPPA” with Tamaki Shibata, the eighteenth generation of the Shibata family. During the development process, I learned that the Hakata Magemono’s lunch box has the characteristics of plumping rice deliciously because it is well ventilated and retains its necessary moisture.
博多曲物は、400年続く博多伝統工芸品です。その新たな試みとして柴田家十八代目の柴田玉樹さんと一緒に「HAKATA WAPPA」というお弁当箱を制作しました。私は開発する過程の中で、博多曲物の弁当箱は通気性がよく必要な水分を保つのでふっくらとしたご飯をおいしく食べることができる特徴があることを知りました。
The design of the lunch box is made in the shape of rice to communicate the characteristics of “Hakata Magemono”.
The partition inside can also be used as a Rice scoop. It also has an antibacterical effect, you can enjoy the feel of the skin and the fragrance of the wood, and it is very light, making it easy to carry.
Credit /
Client: LOCAL & DESIGN Inc.
Design: Daisuke Kobayashi (SUKEDACHI DESIGN)
Craftsman: Tamaki Shibata (Hakata Magemono Tamaki)