They plug you into a network of professionals, help you increase your business opportunities, and expand your market. This fresh approach to work lets us connect, create, and not merely survive but live and thrive.
“The Company” provides a new kind of work style and supports fast-growing businesses with their “Work Link” and “Multi-Location” services. their community is made up of various types of professions and all members are connected with their own SNS, which encourages collaboration on new business plans and work projects. They are now expanding their community globally. Members can access any location, offering support to your business overseas. Change the way you work and grow your business. A new style of workspace and community, “The Company”.
* Currently, 11 bases in 6 countries (Including directly managed stores and outsourced stores)
The Companyはワークシェアとマルチロケーションをキーワードに、新しいチームの作り方と大きな仕事づくりを可能にするワークスペース&コミュニティです。「個人がタッグを組みプロフェッショナルチームに」「企業の枠にとらわれないチーム作りが即座に可能」「国内にネットワークが繋がりグローバルな仕事を」単なる空間のシェアではなく、コミュニティの構築を目指しています。オリジナルSNSで繋がり、仕事をつくり、仲間を増やす。働き方が変わる新しい時代のワークスペースです。
The logo has been designed with a sans-serif typeface and adjusted to give an active impression as a place where the community is born. We have also developed rules that give the impression of a unified logo for each base.
As the place where you work is one of the services of “The Company”, it was one of the themes in branding what kind of creative space we can create in that limited space. Therefore, we selected a place where we could design in the space before the opening and applied colors and graphics inspired by each country and region to the pillars, ceilings, floors, etc. The graphics created from that space have been expanded to flyers and leaflets in each region.
The Companyは働く場所がサービスの一つであるため、その限られた空間の中でどんなクリエイティブな空間づくりができるかブランディングする上で一つのテーマとなっていました。そこでオープン前の空間の中でデザインができる場所を選定し、柱や天井、床などにそれぞれの国や地域からインスパイアされた色やグラフィックを施しました。その空間から生まれたグラフィックを各地域のデザインの軸としてフライヤーやリーフレットなどに展開しました。
Credit /
Client: Zero-Ten Park Co., Ltd
Creative Direction: Jiro Enomoto (Zero-Ten)
Art Direction: Daisuke Kobayashi (SUKEDACHI DESIGN)
Design: Daisuke Kobayashi (SUKEDACHI DESIGN)
Design: Yuika Tokunaga (Zero-Ten)