The name of the restaurant was changed from the previous name “Les primeurs” to “Naru Shokudou Les primeurs”. Although it is a French restaurant, the threshold of consciousness is lowered for customers, and the style is based on the “Caprice French” that Chef Naruo thinks. In January 2021, Chef Naruo, a French restaurant in Shin-Koenji, Tokyo, contacted me saying “I want you to make a logo because the signboard will be new.” (The previous logo was the first logo I made when I was attending art school at that time.)
Through phone and email, I asked him again about his thoughts on this restaurant and his future, and Many customers feel self-conscious about entering like an expensive French restaurant, but He wants the customer to come casually, so now he does not stick to knives and forks, and sometimes puts out chopsticks. SUKEDACHI DESIGN received a request to make a sign that makes customers want to go to the store on the second floor from the street. Then, during the exchange of words, We find that the words “Cooking is more joyful for people to be happy than I am”, which gave by the chef, expresses this restaurant and the main concept for the symbol. We decided to proceed with the design.
The best feature is that when you visit this restaurant, you can experience the “Naruo Shokudou” which is not found in other French restaurants. It’s due to the chef’s whimsical French makes your joy. Along with a catchphrase of the French word “Vous règaler est mon plaisir. (It ’s my pleasure to treat you)”, SUKEDACHI DESIGN designed a mark with an impression like the title of a movie and redesigned it into a friendly brand.
以前の「Les primeurs」という店名から、「なるお食堂 Les primeurs」と改名。フランス料理のお店であるがお客様にとって敷居を低くし、成尾シェフの考える「きまぐれフレンチ」を主軸にするスタイルへ。
一番の特徴はこのお店に訪れると他のフランス料理店にはない「なるお食堂」を体験できることでそれはシェフによるきまぐれフレンチによる喜びによるもの。フランス語「Vous règaler est mon plaisir.(あなたをごちそうするのは私の幸せです)」のキャッチコピーとともに映画のタイトルのような印象のマークを設計し親しみやすいブランドへリデザインしました。
Credit /
Client: Naruo Shokudou Lesprimeurs
Creative Direction: Daisuke Kobayashi (SUKEDACHI DESIGN)
Design: Daisuke Kobayashi (SUKEDACHI DESIGN)